Towing and Recovery Service in Erfurt, as well as the surrounding highways A71, A4, and the federal roads B7 & B4:


You´re in need of a towing service in Erfurt or cities in the wide surrounding region such as WeimarGothaIlmenauSaalfeld/Saale or Apolda? We´re the ones to call!

More than 20 years in the business prepared us for any towing situation. Safe Highway recoveries, getting cars out of hard-to-reach parking houses and pulling them out of ditches with the mobile crane are part of our daily routine. We always make sure, to get the job done as quickly, and as cost effectively as possible.

Erfurt is Thuringias biggest city, with over 210.000. inhabitants and has a relatively high number of car breakdown cases, even when compared to German cities of its size. With our strong network of businesspartners however, we can get the tow truck to your location any time, soon after your order. With our international team, language barriers become a non-issue, as we always have people on site who are proficient in most european languages, such as German, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Lithuanian, Romanian, English and more. Give us a call and let us make you an offer! +49 9771 90 64 5 64