Truck towing service and breakdown service in 99084 Erfurt and on the motorway sections A71, A4 and more.

Do you need a towing service for your truck or trailer and are located in the greater Erfurt area, for example near cities such as 99428 Weimar, 99868 Gotha, 98693 Ilmenau, 07318 Saalfeld/Saale or 99510 Apolda?

We at AwHelp24 are the ideal contact for breakdowns in and around 99084 Erfurt.

If you need a towing service from 99974 Mühlhausen/Thuringia, 99817 Eisenach, 37269 Eschwege or many other areas in the region to the nearest workshop or a destination of your choice, we can offer you a fast, cost-effective solution.

Over the years, we have built up a large network of service partners in the Erfurt area and have years of experience in dealing with breakdown situations. This means we can always find you the best solution for your breakdown. You can reach us at: +49 9771 90 64 5 64