Commercial Truck Tire Service and Truck Tire Road Service Paderborn

Mobile Tire Service for Trucks and Trailers in Paderborn and for the A2, A33, A44 motorway sections:


You were on the road with your truck, trailer, bus or van near Paderborn, or the surrounding areas near Detmold, Horn-Bad Meinberg, Brakel, Warburg or Büren and got stuck with a flat tire?

We bring the mobile tire service to you immediately. If you are simply looking for the nearest tire repair shop nearby that can take care of you directly with the right replacement tires in stock, we will show you where to find them.

Paderborn counts as one of the big cities in Germany with about 150.000. inhabitants and is directly connected to the A33, as well as indirectly to the A44, where also a large part of the local tire punctures happen. No problem for us. After 20 years in the truck industry and over a hundred breakdown cases handled each month month with a large network of business partners, we are confident that we can solve your tire problem not only as quickly , but also as inexpensively as possible. Give us a call and see for yourself: +49 9771 90 64 5 64