Commercial Truck Tire Service and Truck Tire Road Service Lünen
Mobile Tire Service for Trucks and Trailers in Lünen and for the surrounding motorway sections A2, A1, A44 and A42:
You got a flat tire on your truck, bus, trailer or van and you´re in the greater are around Lunen, or the surrounding locations near Werne, Ascheberg, Dülmen, Werl or Sendenhorst? We´re here to help.
If you need a mobile tire service on site, we send it directly to you. If you can drive a few more kilometers, we will direct you to the nearest truck tire shop, where they can serve you immediately with the tires you need in stock.
Lunen is part of the heavily industrialized Ruhr area and especially on the A2 it can sometimes come to truck tire breakdowns in the delivery traffic from or to the other cities of the Ruhr area. No problem for us. Not only do we have a large network of business partners in the Ruhr area to offer, after 20 years in the truck industry and hundreds of breakdown cases handled every month, we also have enough experience to know how to get you back on the road not only as quickly, but also as cost effectively as possible. Call us and see for yourself: +49 9771 90 64 5 64