Towing and Recovery Service in Potsdam, as well as the surrounding highways A11, A10, A12 and A115:

Looking for our towing service for trucks? CLICK HERE


You´re looking for a towing service in Potsdam or the wide, surrounding area near cities like OranienburgRathenowBad BelzigTreuenbrietzen or Brandenburg? You came to the right place!

We got access to a mobile crane to pull cars out of any trick position, are able to reach narrow spots in parking houses and can tow cars safely off the busy highway with no issue. After more than 20 years of experience in the towing business, we´ll always make sure to get the job done quickly and for the lowest possible price.

Potsdam isn´t just a big city with about 180.000. inhabitants, Berlin, Germanys largest city, is located right next to it. The entire region is practically surrounded by highways and the demand for towing services is constantly very high. But with us, you never have to worry about the tow truck arriving at your location, soon after your order. Awhelp24 provides support in most European languages, such as German, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Lithuanian, Romanian, English and more, so language barriers are no problem for us either. Give us a call and we´ll make you a towing offer! +49 9771 90 64 5 64