Towing and Recovery Service in Hamm, as well as the surrounding highways A1, A2, A44 and A43:



You´re in Hamm or the roads in the wide, surrounding region, near places like Warendorf, Soest, Ahlen, Erwitte oder Menden and are looking for towing service? We´re the ones to call!

We´ve been in this business for over 20 years and dealth with all kinds of towing orders imaginable. We´ll safely tow your car off busy roads, take it out of hard-to-reach parking houses or pull it out with a mobile crane, when its stuck in a ditch. Rest assured, that we´ll get the job done as fast, and as cost effectively as possible.

Hamm isn´t just a big city with more than 180.000. inhabitants, as part of the densely populated metropolitan "Ruhr-area", you can expect a high number of travellers as well, some of which might find themselves stuck in an unfamiliar city after their car broke down. We´re available 24/7 and in collaboration with our large network of business partners in the area, we always make sure to get the tow truck to your location, soon after your order. With our international team at AWhelp24, you won´t have to worry about any language barriers either, since we provide support in most european languages, such as German, Polish, Spanish, Russian, Lithuanian, Romanian, English and more. Give us a call, and let us make you a towing offer! +49 9771 90 64 5 64