Truck towing and breakdown service in 54290 Trier and on the A1, A64, A8 and A60 motorway sections:


Were you travelling in the south-east of Germany and your truck and/or trailer broke down in the wide area around Trier or near the locations of 54439 Saarburg, 54411 Hermeskeil, 66663 Merzig, 66620 Nonnweiler or 56841 Traben-Trarbach?

Then AwHelp24 is the reliable contact for you.

If you are stuck in the regions around 54634 Bitburg, 66822 Lebach, 54314 Zerf or many others near the border, we can easily tow you to the nearest workshop or a location of your choice.

We are already very experienced when it comes to truck breakdowns of all kinds and have built up a large network of truck centered business partners that we can rely on. We will get you the fastest, most cost-effective way out of your situation. +49 9771 90 64 5 64