Truck towing and breakdown service in 47239 Duisburg and on the motorway sections A59, A3, A42 and A52: 

Do you need a truck towing service in the greater area of 47239 Duisburg in or around cities such as 46509 Xanten, 41747 Viersen, 46483 Wesel, 46282 Dorsten or 42549 Heiligenhaus?

AwHelp24 will take care of your breakdown in Duisburg.

With our numerous partner companies in Duisburg and the entire Ruhr area, we ensure the successful towing of your truck or trailer from 40822 Mettmann, 46325 Borken45768 Marl and many other locations.

We have gained many years of experience in all things to do with trucks and our experienced staff can offer you the best, most cost-effective solution for your breakdown or repair request in Duisburg. Call us: +49 9771 90 64 5 64