Truck towing and breakdown service in 46236 Bottrop and on the A2, A42, A43 and A52 motorway sections:
Do you need a towing service for your truck or trailer in the greater area of 46236 Bottrop or one of the many surrounding cities in the Ruhr area such as 46325 Borken, 48653 Coesfeld, 45721 Haltern am See, 44532 Lünen or 46539 Dinslaken?
AwHelp24 will reliably help you through any breakdown in 46236 Bottrop and beyond.
Whether you are stuck in 45770 Marl, 46348 Raesfeld, 45525 Hattingen or one of the nearby motorways, we will take care of getting your vehicle to the next service or workshop of your choice in a timely manner.
With our years of experience and large partner network of several companies in the Ruhr area, we can find an optimal, economical solution for you. You can reach us at: +49 9771 90 64 5 64